New York City Lawyer John Q. Kelly Launches Website

•January 9, 2009 • Leave a Comment

New York Lawyer John Q. Kelly is pleased to announce the launch of his new website for The Kelly Group P.C.

The website can be viewed at and features notable cases and clients of Mr. Kelly.

About John Q. Kelly
One of the most renowned litigators in the country, Mr. Kelly has a proven track record in complex civil and corporate litigation nationwide.

His clients include some of the most widely publicized victims in recent times, including:

– Estate of Nicole Brown Simpson
– Parents of Natalee Holloway
– Estate of Kathleen Savio, ex-wife of Drew Peterson
– Estate of Heiress Anne Scripps Douglas
– Former Yankee great Joe Pepitone

Breaking Legal News Names Roth Law Group

•September 30, 2008 • Leave a Comment

Chicago law firm, The Roth Law Group is please to announce its selection as a Featured corporate law firm by the nationally recognized leader in legal news reportage, Breaking Legal News.

As a business law firm, we pride ourselves on our skill and success in the practice areas of business litigation and contract negotiations.

A Roth Law Group corporate attorney (corporate lawyer) can assist you in keeping your small business in compliance with state and federal law and, as a Chicago attorney, he or she will also be able to help you keep current with any city laws and regulations.

The Roth Law Group can also provide you with an experienced contract attorney (contract lawyer) who can guide you through the complicated and often confusing process of contract negotiations.

The Roth Law Group is pleased to be singled out for notice by one of the Internet’s preeminent sources for legal news; an honor of which any Chicago lawyer would be proud.

Train Accident Attorney Wins Millions From Metrolink

•September 22, 2008 • Leave a Comment

…”There were lights. There were down gates,” Ringler said. “That would have warned a motorist unless he had clearly ignored them.”

A spokeswoman for Universal declined to comment Friday.

At trial, lawyers for the company defended truck driver Jacek “Jack” Wysocki, sayingthat he was victim of the intersection’s faulty design. They said his vehicle was parked at an angle that permitted him to move onto the tracks without even noticing that the crossing arm was down.

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Chatsworth Metrolink Train Accident Attorney Jerome Ringler

•September 22, 2008 • Leave a Comment

After deliberating two days, a jury voted 9 to 3 to award her $7.5 million for pain and suffering, $900,000 for past and future wage losses, and $500,000 for medical bills.

Her attorney, Jerome L, Ringler, said the verdict was unusual in that the bulk of the damages were for psychological rather than physical injuries. As a result of the accident, he said, Macek “Suffers [from] post-traumatic stress disorder” with anxiety, sleeplessness, confusion and inability to focus.

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Metrolink Train Wreck Attorneys

•September 19, 2008 • Leave a Comment

As a governmental agency, lawyers noted, Metrolink cannot be subjected to punitive damages in any civil action – a situation those lawyers said likely protects it from a bankruptcy situation. A spokesman for Metrolink said the agency would not be making any comments on potential legal issues.

Attorney Jerome Ringler, who served as lead counsel for victims of a Metrolink train derailment in Placentia in 2002, those in a Burbank derailment in 2003, and in the Glendale derailment in 2005, said the Chatsworth crash could expose further fault with Metrolink.

“I suspect the real reason these tragedies occurred is due to either simple inattentivenesss on the part of the engineers or a failure on the part of the railrood industry to allow these engineers adequate rest between shifts so that these kind of tragedies could be avoided,” Ringler said.

“This is a horrible tragedy. They are facing hundreds upon hundreds of millions of dollars of exposure.”

Recent Los Angeles Metrolink Train Wreck

•September 19, 2008 • Leave a Comment
Metrolink worker sued Burlington Northern Santa Fe, saying his alcoholism returned after the fatal 2002 Placentia collision.

A metrolink conductor who said his drinking problems resumed after the Placentia train crash in 2002 will receive $8.5 million to settle his lawsuit against one of the nations largest railroads.

Patrick Phillips of Riverside agreed Tuesday to settle his suit against Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway Co. The case was set to go to trial next week in Orange County Superior Court.
Phillips, now 52, suffered minor head injuries the morning of April 23, 2002 when a Burlington Northern Freight train crashed into a Metrolink commuter train in Placentia. Three people died and more than 260 were injured in the early morning crash.
Though his injuries were slight, the conductor alleged that the trauma was serious enough to trigger a resurgence of his severe alcoholism, which he said he had controlled since rehabilitation in the early 1990’s.
“I have never seen a case like this in 30 years, yet it is indeed what happened here,” said Jerome L. Ringler, Phillips’ attorney.
“We had extensive medical evaluations by a variety of neurological specialists. All were in accord that his injury, although minor, changed his behavior.”
After the train crash, Phillips was hospitalized for evaluation but released about two hours later, Ringler said. In the months after the crash, however, Phillips allegedly resumed his alcohol abuse, resulting in at least two other hospitalizations.
Ringler said his client was finally diagnosed with alcohol-related dementia, a sever mental deficiency.
Phillips, who is now disabled after working 12 years for Metrolink, was unavailable for comment. He is living with a sister in Riverside.
Under terms of the settlement, Phillips will receive $8.5 million, including interest, paid out over 20 years. The amount is worth about $4.5 million in today’s dollars.
Officials for Burlington Northern Santa Fe, one of the nations four largest railroads, confirmed the settlement but declined to discuss the case.
Phillips’ lawsuit is one of more than 100 Civil cases stemming from the Placentia crash, which federal investigators said was caused by an inattentive Burlington Norther crew that missed a warning signal.
The lawsuits allege the collision could have been prevented by an automatic braking system, long sought by the federal National Transportation Safety Board.
They also contend that the freight train crew was fatigued by overwork and that the Burlington Northern conductor had a history of losing track of signals.
In December, an Orange County jury awarded Pamela Macek, 53, also of Riverside, about $9 million in damages for psychological and physical injuries suffered in the crash. Her case was the first to go to trial.

Jerome Ringler Featured in Ventura County Star Article

•September 18, 2008 • Leave a Comment

you can take a look at the article here:

Jerome Ringler is an experienced Metrolink Train Crash Attorney.

Jerry Ringler – Metrolink Train Accident Attorney

•September 18, 2008 • Leave a Comment

Train Crash Attorney Jerome Ringler – Special Message for Chatsworth Disaster Victims

•September 18, 2008 • Leave a Comment

Special Message for Victims of Chatsworth Metrolink Disaster

On September 12, 2008, an unprecedented tragedy occurred in Chatsworth, California when Metrolink Train #111 struck a Union Pacific freight train which was traveling on the same tracks. Our hearts go out to the victims. But this tragedy should not have happened. It happened because of human error on the part of Metrolink employees. Unfortunately, as the lawyers of RKA know well, human error by railroad engineers is not at all unique as a cause of commuter rail disasters.

Jerome L. Ringler has greater experience in representing victims of commuter rail and fright train disasters than any other lawyer in the State of California, if not the country. He has served as lead counsel in every one of the largest commuter rail disasters which have occurred in Southern California in the past 10 years.

In the Placentia Commuter Rail Disaster of 2003, Mr. Ringler was appointed by the Court as lead counsel for all of the Plaintiffs. He was requested by all of the lawyers representing individuals injured or killed in that incident to try the first case. That case resulted in the largest verdict for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder ever rendered by a jury in the United States. That verdict, which was for $9 million, is detailed below in the multimedia section.

In the Burbank Commuter Rail Disaster, which also occurred in 2003, Mr. Ringler was again appointed by the Court to serve as lead counsel. In that capacity he was given the responsibility to try the entire liability (i.e., fault) case for all of the victims. In other words, every one of the dozens of lawyers who represented individual victims in that disaster trusted Mr. Ringler to try the liability phase for them, knowing that their clients would only recover if Mr. Ringler was successful. He was. In fact, Mr. Ringler not only obtained a favorable verdict for all of the plaintiffs, he obtained a $12 million verdict for his own client as well. This verdict was the largest in the State of California for a person with the type of injuries Mr. Ringler’s client had suffered. This verdict is detailed below in the multimedia section.

Mr. Ringler is currently lead counsel for all plaintiffs in the Glendale Metrolink Derailment Disaster of 2005. This incident was, before September 12, 2008, the largest Metrolink disaster in history. Interestingly, in that case (which involves 11 deaths and dozens of serious injuries), Mr. Ringler has, against all odds, developed testimony proving that, even though a mentally-ill person placed a jeep across the tracks that the Metrolink train was traveling upon, human error on the part of the Metrolink engineer prevented him from stopping the train before hitting the jeep, which caused the train to derail. In other words, while the jeep certainly never should have been on the tracks, the Metrolink engineer would have been able to stop the train before ever striking the jeep had he only been paying proper attention. That case is scheduled to go to trial on June 8, 2009, with Mr. Ringler as lead counsel.

The verdicts detailed on this page all relate to railroad litigation. However, Mr. Ringler has achieved enormous, record-breaking monetary awards across California in a variety of complex areas. Those accomplishments are detailed elsewhere in this website. To see them, click here.

If you or a loved one has suffered injury or death as a result of the horrific Chatsworth Metrolink Disaster, we are available to discuss your rights with you confidentially and at no charge.

Please feel free to contact us at your convenience. Ask for Mr. Ringler,or any of his partners, at (213) 473-1900.

Former Enron executives scheduled for retrial

•May 14, 2008 • 1 Comment

US District Court Judge Vanessa Gilmore ordered retrials for three former Enron Broadband Services executives Monday. Scheduled to begin in November, the new series of trials follows a refusal by the US Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit to dismiss remaining charges against the three after a jury failed to reach a verdict on all counts in their 2005 fraud trial. Defense lawyers say they plan to appeal Gilmore’s decision to the US Supreme Court.

Former VP Scott Yeager, former senior VP Rex Shelby, and former CEO Joseph Hirko were initially indicted by federal prosecutors on 164 criminal counts for allegedly overstating the value of the broadband division’s software and network to inflate the value of Enron’s stock. They were acquitted on various charges in 2005, but the jury failed to reach a verdict on all counts, and prosecutors later re-indicted the defendants. Defense lawyers argued that there is no basis for the remaining charges or for a retrial, but the Fifth Circuit ruled that a jury could find the men guilty of other charges despite their acquittals.